Personal Projects
Ichabod Pumpkin
Almost Hubel
The Shire in a Locket
Would You Care for Some Tea?
When We Were 5
Plastic Cauldron
It's a Great Pumpkin Carving
Gordon Groom's Cake
Greek Mural
Mother's Day
Shawshank Mural
Business Portfolio
Rée Art & Design
Personal Projects
Ichabod Pumpkin
Almost Hubel
The Shire in a Locket
Would You Care for Some Tea?
When We Were 5
Plastic Cauldron
It's a Great Pumpkin Carving
Gordon Groom's Cake
Greek Mural
Mother's Day
Shawshank Mural
Business Portfolio
Plastic Cauldron
I was curious what a little paint could do and I was happily surprised with the outcome. I used acrylics, assorted paint brushes, and crumpled up paper towels (for texture). Definitely something I would try again.
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